The Company began in 1969 with two divisions: private preschools named Green Valley and an educational materials development project named Learning Achievement Corporation. Over the next decade, Learning Achievement Corporation dissolved, and the Green Valley Preschools were folded into a larger company called Child Development Centers.
When the California Department of Education (CDE) started contracting with agencies in 1976 to serve qualifying lower income families in early education programs, Child Development Inc. began contracting with CDE to serve Santa Clara County through Alternative Payment Programs. In addition, Child Development Inc. is a support services company that provides administrative and program services to early education, childcare companies, and programs.
Choices for Children, an Alternative Payment Program, employs about twenty counselors and support staff who serve the families of approximately 3,500 children. Families qualify for services and are assisted in choosing a child care provider that meets their families’ needs. Support services are provided to parents who need assistance in selecting a provider or who need other services for their children. Choices for Children (CFC) has provided innovative childcare solutions to support children, families, and childcare providers since 1976 in Santa Clara County.
Child Development Inc’s mission is to serve children and their families with high quality programs that enhance and improve their lives.
Innovation and Courage
In order to build successful programs, we must:
In order to build strong teams, we must:
In order to build trust, we must:
In order to enhance families and children’s lives we must: